Samsung Electronics introduced the Olympic Communication Platform at a ceremonial reception held at the Pashkov House. Organized by employees and partners of Kosmos Team, the event marked the beginning of the countdown to the 100 days before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the "Smart Olympic Games from Samsung" project, aimed at making the upcoming Olympics the most innovative and technologically advanced in its history. Also showcased at the ceremony were the official smartphone of the Sochi Winter Games, the Samsung GALAXY Note 3, the advertising video for the Samsung GALAXY Note 3, and the athletes from the Samsung GALAXY Team.
The celebratory part of the program, featuring the State Symphony Cinema Orchestra under the direction of Sergey Skripka, was particularly noteworthy. Among the guests were official representatives of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, sports stars, celebrities, and journalists. The top management of Samsung highly praised the event, noting its international quality and high level of organization.